A complete line of products designed to provide an adequate approach to the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative disorders of the Prostate, and to facilitate the physiological functions of the urogenital system in case of Inflammations and Infections of the urinary tract, Stones or anxiety-provoking and/or psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction.
All products of this line are made up of a combination of active ingredients and optimal dosages to ensure a rapid therapeutic effect.
The prostate is a small gland which is part of the male genital system. It consists of a glandular part, which contains many small glands that secrete a whitish liquid rather dense, the prostatic secretions, and a muscular part. The prostate gland is the seat of inflammatory diseases (prostatitis), benign enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, BPH or prostatic adenocarcinoma) and malignancies (prostate adenocarcinoma), and because of its location, these diseases often affect urination, ejaculation, or defecation.
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The urinary tract consists of: kidneys, excretory channels (chalices, pelvis, ureter), bladder, urethra and sphincter muscles, a set of structures for the secretion and excretion of waste products of metabolism. In particular, it produces urine to allow the elimination of nitrogenous waste. The male and female urinary tract is frequently subject to many diseases. Among these the most common are: Kidney stones, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, acute renal failure, chronic renal insufficiency and urinary tract infection (UTI). These latter diseases are very common and originate when pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the urethra, proliferate and multiply inside the urinary tract and cause acute or chronic inflammation that can affect the bladder and its annexes.
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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the persistent or recurrent inability of man to achieve and/or maintain a penile erection sufficient, both for his own and for the needs of partner, to lead and manage a successful sexual intercourse. This condition can occur occasionally and without inducing psychological problems or management, but when it is repeated several times and the dysfunction becomes more important for quality and/or quantity then activates a series of problems related to it. Normally distinguished:
- Primary Erectile Dysfunction, if man has never been able to achieve or sustain erections for psychological and/or biological causes.
- Secondary Erectile Dysfunction, if man, who previously could obtain and sustain erections, is no longer able to do, for organic causes in 90% of cases.
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Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) are small aggregations of mineral salts that are formed in urinary tract, not only for a genetic predisposition but also because of inadequate nutrition.
The stones are deposits of hard consistence which are formed by the precipitation of minerals contained in the urine (calcium, oxalate, phosphate and uric acid). Their formation is favored by the increase in concentration of these electrolytes or by the reduction of the liquid that keeps them in solution (low volume of urine.) When the salts are aggregated together to form crystals first, then micro-stones and stones that can eventually reach large size, moving from the place of origin and obstruct the flow of urine.
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